Saturday, March 28, 2015

Day #23 of My Daily Twinchie Challenge

I'm finding I'm growing weary of this challenge, perhaps it's my ADD kicking in. However, the off shoot is, I'm finding it easier to produce other work-so far two small paintings and prep some art projects for the next stage this month and then other tasks-non-art related tasks got done.

Begininng the Twinchie illustration doesn't bother me, it's the process where I feel a little anxious to move on to something more concrete than a challenge, admittedly something I could sell on ETSY. I'm anxious to work on pieces where I can devote a little more time to the work, with out the daily output schedule which includes posting-hanging over me.


  1. Suzanne~ what is lovely is having all these characters to develop, to puzzle over ideas for further developments, to consider them prelims for the next step~ and no matter what you do with them, looking back at them, you will see the marvelous artist that you are.

    1. Thank you Barbara, really like your newest watercolor of garden, beautiful!
